Tuesday, February 28, 2012

This is a test, only a test

Well Samantha and I went to bed at 6pm Sunday evening in an effort to get some sleep. Unfortunately neither of us was able to go to sleep so it was more like rest, until about 9pm when she fell asleep. Then I woke her up at midnight to prepare for a dr ordered sleep deprived EEG. On the prep sheet they gave us it said "Patient must stay up from midnight Sunday until the EEG test is performed" It also said "patient must bring a driver for sleep deprived EEG " This concerned Samantha because she thought they meant a driver who was NOT sleep deprived. I assured her it didn't say that, it only said bring a driver, so I could be sleep deprived too. LOL. We spent the first 2 or 3 hours cleaning the girls closet and room...FUN! Than Sam decorated things for the baby shower we plan to throw my sister in a couple weeks. About 4ish we decided we needed help staying awake so we let the dogs come upstairs, and shortly thereafter Haley woke up and joined us (um the dogs might have had something to do with that too). That was wonderful cause I dozed off while Sam did Haley's hair, Cause Sam wasn't allowed to use anything on her own hair before the test, so she felt she could not possibly start a day without putting tons of products in hair, so she used Haleys hair instead. At 6ish we got dressed and ate breakfast and left for Washington Regional. A little after 8 we were called back to a room where they stuck 23 electrodes on Sam's head, and flashed a stobe light in her eyes for a few minutes, followed by telling her to hyperventilate, then finally they wanted to test her sleeping. Sleeping was not a problem for her at that point so they got the tests they wanted. No results were shared with us at all. 
Than we stopped by Subway for a drink and snack before heading to Mana for ther MRI. She was extremely nervous about the MRI as she is a bit claustrophobic , and I was not allowed back with her on this one. But she made it through fine and was told that Dr Moon likes to read his own results , so again no information was given to us. I did briefly meet a boy and his grandma in the waiting room going through much the same thing we are, so it was somewhat comforting to know we are not alone in this, and we had a nice visit while waiting for Sam to come out. Then we came home and I attempted to work a little (bad idea) I messed up a few things which I corrected this morning, and now we wait. Our appointment with Dr Moon is March 6th , which seems like an eternity away right now. And so we wait. And if anyone knows anyone going through anything similar feel free to share this blog, cause any and all information and/or support is welcome right now!

1 comment:

  1. You guys feeling a little rested today? Hopefully this week will go fast & (good) results will be here soon! Love you
